Automated Greeting Card Mailing Service

for Financial Professionals

October 8, 2024

Most people don’t think of automated birthday cards when they think about marketing. Business owners generally focus on tactics like digital marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, or traditional advertising. 

But automated birthday cards are an underappreciated marketing tool. Birthday cards can help businesses form more personal connections with their customers, and these connections drive more revenue. Businesses that use data-driven personalization in their marketing efforts deliver five to eight times the ROI on their marketing spend. 

Here’s another fact to consider: Birthday, anniversary, and milestone campaigns often outperform other marketing tactics, with 481% higher transaction rates

Still not convinced? Let’s explore some of the reasons why automated birthday cards should be part of your marketing strategy.

1. Automated birthday cards boost customer engagement. 

Most people know marketing is an automated function nowadays. Companies can schedule emails to send at a specific time and personalize an ad based on consumers’ browsing behaviors. 

However, when your customers receive a personalized birthday card in the mail, they’ll know you went the extra mile. You aren’t pressuring them to make a purchase using a birthday discount, just sending your best wishes on their special day. 

Many of our customers receive phone calls and emails from their clients thanking them for the birthday card or birthday gift they received. Getting a card in the mail may prompt them to schedule their next meeting with you or refer your business to a friend who’s been asking for recommendations. 

2. They strengthen the bond between the customer and the business. 

For many businesses, the client relationship is transactional. Following an annual check-up or planning meeting, most clients don’t interact with a business until their next scheduled appointment. 

Automated birthday cards can help customer relationships blossom from transactions to partnerships. They show clients you’re thinking of them and that you value their business and honor important life milestones. Customers with a stronger affinity for your business are more likely to keep coming back. 

3. They keep your brand in customers’ minds. 

Your logo is a powerful component of your business’s visual identity. Over half of consumers say they prefer to purchase from brands they can easily identify

When you send an automated birthday card, you can place your logo and brand identity front and center. If a client pins your birthday card to the fridge or places it on their mantel, they’ll see your business name and logo every time they pass. 

Displaying your company logo, while optional, can help solidify your brand in your customers’ brains.

man and woman near table

4. They help you keep updated customer contact info. 

Businesses that send automated birthday cards to their clients every year keep updated records of clients’ current mailing addresses. Even if you don’t frequently communicate with clients via postal mail, you’ll have an address on file in case you want to send out a mailer or other communication. 

Clients might even respond better to communication they receive in the mail than email communication. According to a study that the U.S. Postal Service conducted with researchers from Temple University, direct mail is more memorable and holds a recipient’s attention longer. They found print advertising activates an area of the brain with the highest correlation to advertising effectiveness. 

5. They generate more sales opportunities. 

Happy customers are more likely to remain loyal to your business. Not only is retaining your current happy customers easier, but it’s also less costly—retaining customers is less expensive than acquiring new ones. 

Sending an automated birthday card helps customers create positive associations with your business. When clients feel acknowledged and important, they’re often more likely to give you repeat business and refer their friends and family. Automated birthday cards can also increase the lifetime value of your client base. 

6. Automated birthday cards build community. 

Word-of-mouth advertising is one of the most powerful types of marketing. Let’s say you send a birthday card and gift card to a loyal client, Brenda. Brenda takes a photo of her birthday card and posts it to social media, tagging your business. Brenda’s friends like her post and comment on the thoughtful gesture. 

Suddenly, that one birthday card has the power to tap into Brenda’s network. Just imagine the impact you could make if even a handful of your clients shared their birthday cards with friends! Never underestimate the power of community, especially on social media where consumers openly praise (and criticize) brands. 

Promote Your Business with Automated Birthday Cards from The Birthday Company 

As competition in the market mounts, many businesses struggle to differentiate themselves. A birthday card mailing service can help keep your business top of mind and make your existing client relationships more meaningful. 

Our automated birthday cards include your custom message and a printed signature that looks like you signed the card yourself. The Birthday Company also prints and addresses the envelopes and mails the cards for you, so you don’t have to take time out of your busy day. You can even include extras like gift cards, chocolates, and custom candles for your most valued clients. 
Request a free sample birthday card for your business today!


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